Tuesday 24 January 2023

Well That Was Embarrassing

(Originally published July 31, 2022)

 CD’d a 2m Woody contest yesterday. It was a fun day, but I made two HUGE mistakes that prevented me from flying, and both come down to ‘make sure your gear is ready before you leave’.

The first one is one we’ve all done. I left the wing bolts for my RESolution V2 at home. Oops. I normally carry a pretty massive toolbox, but didn’t feel like it yesterday since I was CD’ing and just needed the one plane and battery. Wing bolts were in a compartment in the toolkit.

The second is the funny one. I also forgot to check if it had a receiver. Turns out I’d swiped the receiver to go into a Vibe DLG last year and never replaced it. Oops. 

Check your gear. Preflight your aircraft at home if you haven’t flown them yet this season. And if you have a routine (as I do), don’t break it when going to a contest, you will regret it.

Somewhat ironically, I’m stealing a receiver from my Blaster 3 DLG for the RESolution today. The Blaster 3 is down for servo replacement (need to order a couple more X08’s) and there’s no way I can get it flight worthy without noticing it is missing a receiver. 

The contest was fun, if a touch windy for 2m’s. 

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