Tuesday 24 January 2023

VAR Mixers and Aileron Differential

 Any value entry box in ETHOS with a square in the upper left can have 3 special input options assigned, Minimum, Maximum and 'Use a Source'

Use a source is incredibly powerful, it can mix pretty much anything that you can get a usable value out have. This allows adjustable differential from a trimmer, slider or pot, or multiple selectable values from a VAR mix.

I've seen two requests for multiple selectable Differential values with 2 different use cases, the first was on low rates only, the second wanted independent settings for left and right aileron. In the first case, a simple switch designation works, but the second requires use of a logical switch to select which direction is active. 

In either case, the VAR mix is pretty much identical. You do the following:

1. Setup a VAR Mix, name it meaningfully ('Ail Diff' works), assign the Output to a high channel and accept the renaming of the channel (in this example, it will be ch64)

Your default weight is whatever value you want to be the differential value when the selector (logical switch or physical switch) is inactive.
Add a weight, select your switch, add the value you want when the selector is active.

You can of course have multiple options in the list, VAR mixes are prioritized, so the top value whose selector is true will be the value sent to the channel.

Finally, go to the aileron mix, make sure you have at least 2 outputs selected (otherwise Differential won't do anything), scroll down to Differential. Long-press the value field and select 'Use a Source'. Set the Source to Channels->CH64 (Ail Diff) or whatever channel you used for your VAR Mix output. 

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