Someone asked about how to handle the bad logic necessary to access the Hover and Knife Edge modes on the SxR and SR series. These modes are available if you are NOT using Quick Mode on the receiver. Personally, I recommend Quick Mode.
They wanted stab modes on SC and push button access to Hover and Knife edge modes using the rear buttons. This is what I came up with:
OK, this takes 6 Logic switches and 2 VAR mixes.
First off are two Sticky LS's, to turn Hover and Knife Edge on and off.
They're both setup the same way, note I have SCmid assigned to rates stab and SCup to Self-level in this example (slightly different than the provided example, but it gives self-level if you accidentally disable hover or knife edge modes
Sticky SIdown SIdown Act:SCup
Sticky SJdown SJdown Act:SCup
Name one Hover and the other Knife Edge
Next is one which Determines if either of these are active
Name it 'Special Act'
LS:'Hover' XOR LS:'Knife Edge
Next are two to ensure you can't flip accidentally between Hover and Knife Edge
Name the first 'Hover Act'
LS:'Hover' AND !LS:'Knife Edge'
Name the second 'KE Act'
LS:'Knife Edge' AND !LS:'Hover'
These will be active only when one of those two special modes is engaged, but not the other.
Finally there's the regular Self-level mode
Name it 'Self-Level'
SCup AND !LS:'Special Act'
This one will be true when the other two aren't and SC is up.
Now we use two VAR mixes.
The CH10 Mix has a default weight of 0
The next weight is triggered on SCMid and is 100
The next is triggered on LS: 'Self-Level' and is 100
The next is triggered on LS:'Hover Act' and is 100
The last is triggered on LS:'KE Act' and is -100
Output is Ch10
The CH11 Mix has a default weight of 0
The next weight is triggered on LS:'Self-Level' and is 100
The last weight is triggered on LS:'Hover Act' and is -100
You could simplify the Ch10 VAR mix with an additional Logic Switch, but it becomes harder to compare to the logic table in the SRx/SxR docs. If you want to drop self-level and have rates stab on with SCup and no regular self-level, delete the self-level lines on both mixes (and the Self-Level LS) and change SCmid to SCup on Ch10.
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